
Collaborative Partnerships

COG Analytics is committed to building collaborative partnerships. COG researchers seek to establish long-standing relationships with investigators whose work is focused on research and technology development designed to improve public health and reduce health disparities. Our researchers have extensive experience partnering with research institutions, universities, clinics, and community-based organizations to address the most pressing public health challenges of today and those of tomorrow.


COG Analytics offers an array of services, including but not limited to:

Program Evaluation

Many federal, state, and philanthropic grant programs now require grantee organizations to conduct an independent evaluation of their services. Researchers at COG Analytics have experience conducting program evaluation and performance monitoring in a variety of healthcare and social service settings. A good evaluation provides relevant and actionable information, avoids undue burden on staff and operations, and satisfies grantee reporting requirements. We can help to develop and carry out the right evaluation plan for your organization,

SBIR/STTR funding opportunities

A number of federal agencies, including the National Institutes of Health, are required to set-aside funding for small business innovation research (SBIR) and small business technology transfer (STTR) initiatives that aim to turn novel ideas into commercially viable products. However, academic institutions and other non-profits must partner with small businesses to be eligible for these funding streams. COG Analytics is the ideal small business partner for leveraging SBIR and STTR funding opportunities.

Grant Development

We have extensive experience in grant application development.  Whether your organization is applying for its first grant or wants to expand its portfolio and pursue new opportunities, we can help to guide you in the right direction and maximize the likelihood of funding.

Expert Consultation in research methods and statistical analysis

Researchers at COG Analytics provide expert consultation on all facets of the research endeavor, including advanced qualitative and quantitative methodologies. We offer statistical consultation and analysis services for a wide range of studies, from controlled experiments to “real-world” studies with messy data.