Michael S. Gordon, D.P.A.

Steven B. Carswell, Ph.D.
COG is pleased to announce that Drs. Michael Gordon and Steven Carswell, along with Co-Investigator Jan Gryczynski, have received a grant award from the National Institutes of Health – National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities entitled “The Daily Progress System – A Recovery Support Tool to Reduce Health Disparities in Outpatient Substance Use Treatment.” This study is a Phase I, Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) award that seeks to develop a mobile-friendly, web-based platform designed to obtain information from substance use disorder treatment clients on a daily basis in order to assess treatment needs and tailor treatment services. The Daily Progress System is designed to improve treatment engagement and retention among vulnerable clients in substance use treatment who are disproportionately likely to experience disparities in quality care and outcomes.