Steven B. Carswell, Ph.D.
COG is pleased to announce that Drs. Steven Carswell and Karen Alexander (MPIs), along with Co-Investigators Jan Gryczynski and Amy Knowlton, of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, have received a grant award from the National Institute on Aging entitled “Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction App for African American Caregivers.” This study is a Phase II, Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) award. The project builds upon prior Phase I work to enhance and finalize the development of a prototype mindfulness-based mobile app for African American caregivers of people living with HIV/AIDS and evaluate its effectiveness in a randomized controlled trial. The project has high public health significance because of its potential to provide an accessible, easy to use mindfulness-based support tool for African American caregivers that could reduce stress, mitigate the harm of intersecting stigmas, and strengthen the caregiver-care recipient relationship.

Karen Alexander, P.h.D